The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō
Ep:12 Developing Leaders Regeneratively

Ep:12 Developing Leaders Regeneratively

If the pursuit of sustainability is no longer sustainable, we need new approaches to developing leaders and teams.

Welcome to the final episode of Series 1. Thank you to everyone who has watched or listened to one or more episodes. We hope it's been thought-provoking and helpful to you.

Regenerative leadership is an approach to leadership practices that focus on creating positive, long-term impacts for both people and the planet. It’s about moving beyond simply doing less harm or minimising negative impacts to actively regenerating and restoring the systems we rely on to support how we live in future.

Put succinctly, the pursuit of sustainability is no longer sustainable.

Whilst it’s an important first step in raising awareness and beginning to change our behaviours, the planet remains on a trajectory to becoming uninhabitable.

Legacy sustainability refers to what most of us heave become familiar with and refers to mainstream practices such as footprint reduction, net zero goals and carbon offsetting1. It applies to a small share of all the industries present today and there is a need to alter our course to make life on our planet possible for future generations.

Regenerative leadership practices are achievable in our modern business world, and it requires significant changes in mindset, structures, and practices. It requires us to shift from extractive to regenerative, to being willing to conserve natural resources, repairing degenerated ecosystems and rewilding to increase the planet’s capacity to reverse existing damage, renewing and revitalising the hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere

Here are some reasons why regenerative leadership is achievable:

  1. Changing Consumer Expectations: Consumers are increasingly demanding that businesses prioritise social and environmental responsibility, and the adoption of regenerative leadership practices can help meet these expectations.

  2. Technological Advancements: Advances in technology, such as renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, and circular design, are helping to create new opportunities for businesses to create a positive impact (e.g. Dyson Farming in the UK)

  3. Competitive Advantage: Businesses that embrace regenerative leadership can and do differentiate themselves from competitors and attract customers, employees, and investors by walking their talk and looking for ways to work in harmony with our ecosystems

  4. Collaborative Networks: Networks of businesses, NGOs, and governments are emerging to promote regenerative practices and support businesses in their transition towards regenerative leadership.

However, there are also some challenges to implementing regenerative leadership in the modern business climate:

  1. Short-term Pressure: The pressure to deliver short-term profits and meet shareholder expectations is familiar and can make it difficult for businesses to prioritise long-term sustainability and regeneration.

So how might we make progress?

There are a number of things that can be done to begin your regenerative journey and arguably, how we leader ourselves and each other is perhaps the most important first step.

In this episode…

…we recap some of the essential human themes of developing leaders and teams using a regenerative lens.

🔑 Key Lessons & Ideas:

Principles of Practice:  We took a deep dive into the art of practice and how it's the backbone of leadership development. Remember, it's about being patient, mindful, and dedicated to your growth journey.

The Grace Framework®: The framework helps you navigate emotions and life's hurdles with more... well, grace. It can be a game-changer to accelerate the process of developing personal mastery.

Learning Through Doing:  Asha, shared her insights on collective team development. It's all about action, reflection, and refinement.

Collective Leadership Assessment: We also touched on assessing leadership effectiveness, not just individually but as a cohesive unit by taking a litmus test of your team's culture. It's about the power of 'we' over 'me.'

🎙️ Special Guest Wisdom:

Finding Your Voice: Jennifer Hamady graced us with her expertise on authenticity and self-expression. She's a beacon for anyone striving to be their truest self in the workplace and beyond.

🌱 Creativity & Team Development:

Creativity in the Workplace: We discussed the hurdles to creativity and how to cultivate an environment that breathes innovation.

Frameworks for Teams: Asha brought to light how observing, exploring, and experimenting can lead to robust team leadership, especially in diverse and complex settings.

This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a call to action for anyone and any business ready to elevate their approaches to developing leadership practice and nurturing team dynamics to be a positive force for good in the world.

So, if you're curious about transforming your leadership practice, finding your voice, or fostering creativity where you work, tune in to this episode of the Pocket Dojo podcast. 


The Race To Regeneration, A New Era For Business and Planet,

The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō is hosted by Asha Singh and Paul Crick.
In 2019, Forbes reported that $366BN was invested globally in leadership training and yet, as consulting firm McKinsey reported, most of these leadership programs fail to create the desired results.
There is a disconnect between what is taught in the classroom and what happens on the field of play in our teams and organisations.
Most of us want real leadership more, yet want the leaders we have less particularly as the majority of our organisations continue to play finite games in a world where the resources available are not.
The Pocket Dojō podcast seeks to tell stories and have conversations about why and change how we lead ourselves and each other - however small that change is - and to accomplish this one leader, one team and one organisation at a time.
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