The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō
S2, Ep 13: In Conversation With Katherine Long

S2, Ep 13: In Conversation With Katherine Long


In this first episode of Series 2 of the Pocket Dojo podcast, Asha is in conversation with Katherine Long, a renowned regenerative practitioner in leadership and organizational development.

Katherine shares her journey from teaching English in Japan to focusing on cross-cultural communication and coaching. She discusses the principles of living systems, the concept of regeneration, and the importance of intuition in her work.

The conversation explores healing as an ongoing process, the relational dynamics within systems, and the need for a holistic approach to change. Katherine also reflects on the impact of technology on regenerative practices and emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptation.

Katherine dives deep into the concept of regeneration and its ties to living systems principles. She and Asha explore how understanding the seasonal cycles of regeneration and degeneration can guide us in our roles within the larger context of the earth.

Katherine’s insights highlight the importance of surrendering to a sense of purpose and tuning into our natural rhythms.

The conversation also embraced the essential idea of healing as a vital approach to regenerative change.

Healing isn't a fixed destination; it's a continuous journey of integration and evolution. Katharine shared her perspective on healing as an innate capacity of living systems, including humans. She stressed the importance of partnering with this natural healing ability through core principles and a holistic approach.

'Even the most depleted soils and rivers, and even our own bodies and communities, given the right conditions, have the capacity to heal and reliably so.'

She points the way for scaling regenerative practice by noting that when we understand how to partner with the power of healing, it

Her words remind us that, with the right conditions, profound healing and change is possible and point the way for scaling regenerative practice in our organisations, communities and families.

📖 To read more of Katherine's writing, follow this link to her Substack

🔗 Connect with her here on Linked In where you can subscribe to her newsletter:

🌎 To find out more about the specifics of her work follow this link to her website

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The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō is hosted by Asha Singh and Paul Crick.
In 2019, Forbes reported that $366BN was invested globally in leadership training and yet, as consulting firm McKinsey reported, most of these leadership programs fail to create the desired results.
There is a disconnect between what is taught in the classroom and what happens on the field of play in our teams and organisations.
Most of us want real leadership more, yet want the leaders we have less particularly as the majority of our organisations continue to play finite games in a world where the resources available are not.
The Pocket Dojō podcast seeks to tell stories and have conversations about why and change how we lead ourselves and each other - however small that change is - and to accomplish this one leader, one team and one organisation at a time.
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