The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō
S2 Ep 19 : In Conversation With Dr Claudine Perlet

S2 Ep 19 : In Conversation With Dr Claudine Perlet

Regenerative Leadership with Dr. Claudine Paulette: A Deep Dive into Transformative Change

In a world increasingly aware of its environmental and social challenges, regenerative leadership is gaining traction. In this episode of The Pocket Dojō, Asha engages in a compelling conversation with Dr. Claudine Perlet, a leader in regeneration system design and transformative change.

Dr. Perlet, with her extensive background in law, consulting, and coaching, shares her journey and insights on how leaders can drive systemic change within corporate environments.

Her journey is a testament to the power of personal transformation and its impact on professional endeavours. With over 20 years in financial services, and holding various leadership positions globally, Dr. Perlet experienced a pivotal moment in 2017. She felt a profound realisation that something was fundamentally wrong in the world, prompting her to embark on a deep learning journey. This journey led her to explore personal development, trauma work, and regenerative economics, with the ultimate goal of reintegrating this knowledge into the financial sector.

Systemic Barriers to Regeneration

One of the core themes of the conversation is the challenge of achieving regeneration within a predominantly extractive system.

Dr. Perlet reflects on her experiences and the limitations she faces in making meaningful changes. While she can alter her personal consumption patterns and lifestyle choices, systemic barriers often hinder broader change. For instance, she questions the availability of regenerative food sources and the implications of globalization on her ability to connect with others.

Legal Frameworks and Regenerative Practices

Dr. Perlet emphasizes the need for a legal framework that supports regenerative practices.

She suggests the idea of claiming a right to do no harm but acknowledges the current limitations of legal systems in this regard. While there are emerging trends in climate litigation and the rights of nature, practical enforcement remains a challenge.

Raising awareness and campaigning for these issues, as well as fostering a cultural shift in perception, are crucial steps toward achieving systemic change.

Designing Programs for Transformative Change

Dr. Perlet shares her experiences in designing programs for leaders who are dissatisfied with the status quo and seek to implement transformative changes in their organisations.

She highlights the importance of combining inner work with outer work, as personal transformation is essential for creating meaningful change in the business context.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Asha and Dr. Perlet discuss the resistance many leaders face when attempting to shift towards more sustainable practices. Despite acknowledging the need for change, there is often a reluctance to take action due to fears and uncertainties.

Dr. Perlet emphasises the significance of finding supportive communities and tribes where individuals can connect with like-minded people who share their vision for a regenerative future.

Practical Steps for Leaders

Assessing Financial Situations and Pursuing Education

Dr Perlet offers practical advice for leaders contemplating a shift away from traditional, extractive business models. She encourages individuals to assess their financial situations realistically and consider part-time work while pursuing education and personal development.

This approach allows leaders to balance their financial responsibilities with their commitment to personal growth and learning.

Engaging in Self-Care Practices

Self-care is crucial for maintaining well-being during the transformative journey. Dr. Perlet recommends spending time in nature and reducing exposure to social media as effective self-care practices.

These activities help leaders stay grounded and focused, enabling them to navigate the complexities of driving systemic change.

Finding One's Purpose

Understanding one's purpose is essential for creating a regenerative world. Dr. Perlet believes that many people overlook this aspect, leading to feelings of disconnection and frustration.

She underscores the importance of finding one's purpose and understanding how each individual fits into the larger puzzle of creating a regenerative future.

Conclusion and Reflection

Shared Challenges and Urgency for Systemic Change

The episode concludes with a reflection on the shared challenges faced by leaders in various sectors. There is a sense of urgency regarding the need for systemic change, recognizing that climate change and other global challenges cannot be ignored or voted away. They emphasise the importance of inner work, community building, and ethical considerations in driving transformative change.

Commitment to Vision and Supportive Networks

Dr. Perlet’s insights serve as a reminder that while the path to regeneration may be fraught with obstacles, leaders need to remain committed to their vision.

Seeking out supportive networks and communities can help leaders navigate the complexities of this journey.

Her message aims to imbue listeners with a sense of hope and a call to action, encouraging them to embrace their roles as change-makers in a world that desperately needs regeneration.

Key Takeaways

Continuous Learning: Personal growth is a never-ending process that contributes to holistic leadership and change-making.

Systemic Barriers: Achieving regeneration within an extractive system requires addressing systemic barriers and advocating for supportive legal frameworks.

Inner and Outer Work: Combining personal transformation with professional efforts is essential for driving meaningful change.

Supportive Communities: Finding like-minded individuals and supportive networks is crucial for overcoming resistance and fostering a regenerative future.

Self-Care and Purpose: Engaging in self-care practices and understanding one's purpose are vital for maintaining well-being and creating a regenerative world.

By embracing these principles and taking actionable steps, leaders can contribute to a more sustainable and regenerative future. Dr Perlet’s insights provide valuable guidance for those seeking to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond.

Discussion about this podcast

The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō
The Pocket Dojō is hosted by Asha Singh and Paul Crick.
In 2019, Forbes reported that $366BN was invested globally in leadership training and yet, as consulting firm McKinsey reported, most of these leadership programs fail to create the desired results.
There is a disconnect between what is taught in the classroom and what happens on the field of play in our teams and organisations.
Most of us want real leadership more, yet want the leaders we have less particularly as the majority of our organisations continue to play finite games in a world where the resources available are not.
The Pocket Dojō podcast seeks to tell stories and have conversations about why and change how we lead ourselves and each other - however small that change is - and to accomplish this one leader, one team and one organisation at a time.
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