What a lovely post! I’m so glad you met your “hero” I also suspect he loved Merton the student 🎸

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Totally agree @Scott McArthur...I really enjoyed reading it...and I rarely read a lot of the stuff that falls in my inbox.

Great article @Paul Crick - keep 'em coming like this! May they inspire and encourage.

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Thanks Asha, I'm glad it hit the spot and, as someone who admires your fluency of writing and intellect, I appreciate the encouragement. More to come.

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Thanks Scott and I've met him a couple of times. They say don't meet your heroes (and I don't have many) but he was an true gentlemen and created a memory that I'll take with me. I had to look up the Merton reference :) Now I know, I agree!

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Nice story Paul! Thanks for sharing that. Well written.

Looking forward to learning what you uncovered as you continued to follow your curiosity. 😃

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Thanks Liz, I appreciate your high praise and encouragement. Part 2 is in the works and will begin to reveal some of the many lessons and findings uncovered in the last 16 years.

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